Jamila Jasper Romance

What you will find here…

I created this website primarily to share free chapters of my upcoming releases with readers in an interactive way so readers can comment, save pages for later, or explore books in my catalog without spending any money. I share new chapter updates monthly and you can explore my catalog, buy eBooks directly, and get copies signed by the author on this website. Click here to get a text message when my next book drops.

Here are some of my latest chapters from books that readers love…

My dark romance writing journey…

During the pandemic, my romance took a dark turn. Readers connected with my romance novels centering darker themes and I loved the escape from the four walls of my small home office where I work to the wild world of the mafia. My first dark romance series to connect with readers was The Greek Mafia Romance Brotherhood where I released my cast of diverse female leads finding love with each of the three brothers in a powerful Greek mafia family.

After this series, I wrote an even darker Italian mafia romance series, inspired by my personal stress dealing with student loan forgiveness… Forced To Surrogate was the first book in that series with a controversial title and an insanely dark plot. This is one of those books where you question your sanity for wanting to end up with the alpha, but you end up falling in love with him from the first page.

This was the first series that reached a wider dark romance audience and since then, I have written a dark bully romance series for new adult readers, several more mafia romance series, two dark hockey romance series, and my current series blends the energy of small town romance and mafia romance with a dark, Southwestern motorcycle club. What my books all have in common is a black female lead, and this will never change.

The Rebel Barbarians Motorcycle Club exposes some of my most twisted characters, dark conspiracies, and action-filled plot lines perfect for readers who enjoy binge-reading books in kindle unlimited.

Writing has always been my escape, but the darker the romance books, the further away I can get from the stressors of everyday life. Getting my characters out of trouble when they are tied up in a gas station restroom with a half-naked villainous alpha allows me to forget all the bigger problems and past traumas that might otherwise occupy my mind.

So from my keyboard, to your screen, I hope you enjoy every last one of the books I have to share with you. WARNING: My books contain dark themes and triggers, and are not for the faint-hearted. I make an effort to account for major triggers in my books, but I may not have a comprehensive list of triggers. Be careful while reading.

And while you’re here… Remember to sign-up for updates on my next release. Everyone who signs up gets a free book. Click here to join.

Welcome, reader!

I write spicy, explicit and truly wild dark romance books with black female leads with consistent new releases for readers who enjoy extremely dark romance books but crave more books with African American female leads…

Most of my books are full length novels in dark romance series, but I also write novellas, short stories and serials available on all eBook platforms.

I started writing romance books in 2015, but didn’t find my tribe of romance readers until I started writing darker and smuttier books in 2020.

When I’m not sitting at my desk conjuring up new country boys and relatable black female leads, I love hitting the gym, hiking trails in the Finger Lakes region, and visiting bookstores.

I read my books to you…

Readers loved hearing me read chapters behind the scenes during livestreams and Patreon, so I began producing some of my full-length novels available on audio to make the books more accessible. If you are new to Audible, you can listen to this book FREE using my link. Click here to grab the book for FREE.

I narrated all three books in this series, so this one is complete and won’t leave you hanging.